The Power of Resiliency was this year’s theme for the EDA’s annual Electricity Distribution Information Systems and Technology Conference and Exhibition (EDIST) because, in these extraordinary times, local utility companies in Ontario continued to deliver safe and reliable electricity. The resiliency that these utilities demonstrate is supported by constantly evolving information systems and technology, allowing them to provide better value for customers. As one of the EDA’s largest events, we had a successful virtual conference this year, with almost 400 participants. EDIST was, for the first time, launched in a virtual platform, and the team at the EDA worked hard to create an immersive virtual experience where our members, exhibitors and presenters could all connect. COVID-19 has posed some challenges, but the EDA used the opportunity to “think outside the box” to bring EDIST 2021 right to the comfort of your home. If you had the chance to attend this year’s virtual c ...