Ontario’s Local Hydro Utilities

Facts About Ontario’s Local Hydro Utilities

  • Local hydro utilities are also known as local distribution companies (LDCs).
  • LDCs distribute power from transmission lines to homes and businesses.
  • Ontario’s LDCs deliver electricity to more than five million residential, business, industrial and institutional customers across the province.
  • There are currently 60 LDCs operating across Ontario.
  • LDCs are responsible for the installation and maintenance of power lines and poles.
  • The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regulates the activities and defines performance standards of Ontario’s LDCs.
  • Charges from your local hydro utility represent only about 25% of your total monthly electricity bill.
  • As regulated utility companies, LDCs do not make a profit from selling energy.
  • LDCs collect several Provincially Regulated Charges.
  • LDCs earn most of their revenue from delivery of the commodity, commonly known as electricity or hydro.
  • Local distribution rates (delivery charges) are approved by the OEB. Rates can only be changed with approval from the OEB.
  • Your local utility is available to answer questions about your bill, power interruptions and energy use.