Article title Electricity Distributors Association



Alectra Utilities

Sari Maritzer 0 279 Article rating: No rating

There are many lingering impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. People across Ontario are still facing the economic consequences of this event, and many customers fell behind on bill payments as a result. In times of crisis, customers trust local utilities to support them when help is needed most – and Alectra was ready to step up.

Indigenous Procurement: The Possibilities for Tomorrow

Sari Maritzer 0 800 Article rating: No rating

As part of the Electricity Distributors Association’s 2020 Webinar Series, we partnered with our platinum sponsor and member Hydro One on a December 7 event. The panel discussion highlighted Hydro One’s early successes and challenges with Indigenous procurement, while examining the role such procurement plays in supporting economic recovery in Ontario.

Hydro One Looks Behind the Meter for Reliability Improvement

Sari Maritzer 0 1332 Article rating: 5.0

Hydro One distributes electricity to 1.4 million customers over a massive 961,000 km² service territory. This means Hydro One serves just over two customers per square-kilometer served. Some of these areas include heavily forested terrain, significant off-road areas and no tie capability, leading to a lack of redundancy in certain parts of the system. 
