Empowering People and Planet: A New Age for Local Hydro Electricity Distributors Association

Empowering People and Planet: A New Age for Local Hydro

  • 10 November 2023
  • Author: Sari Maritzer
  • Number of views: 323
Empowering People and Planet: A New Age for Local Hydro

The role of local hydro utilities is rapidly evolving. Although its primary responsibility is to provide reliable service, expressing genuine care for people and the environment helps to build trust among customers in the service territory. Commitment to communities takes many forms – including partnerships with local organizations, investments in green technology, and sustainable corporate initiatives. Through extensive social involvement, Alectra puts the act of caring at the heart of its operations.


The AlectraCARES sustainability framework aims to meet the environmental and social needs across the service territory. Under this umbrella program, Alectra promotes employee volunteerism and supports grassroots organizations, strengthening valuable bonds with employees and customers.

The AlectraCARES Community Support Program forges relationships with local social agencies and allows employees to support charitable causes. By collaborating with existing initiatives, these sponsorships help support food security efforts, provide access to health care, promote diversity, and protect the environment.“The spirit of giving has always been at the heart of our company,” said Brian Bentz, President and CEO of Alectra Inc. “We’re committed to giving back to our local communities and supporting them in meaningful ways.”

In 2022, Alectra celebrated its fifth anniversary with its “5 Years of Caring” campaign and announced more support for local health care and clinical research through Trillium Health Partners, Royal Victoria Hospital, and Guelph General Hospital partnerships.

Through the Community Support Program, Alectra annually invests over $1 million in public health and well-being. In 2023, this included approximately $1.3 million to support initiatives that align with its three sustainability pillars – people, planet, and performance.

Learn more about AlectraCARES at: Alectra.com/Community-Support

Click here to read more about AlectraCARES  - a community support program that helps support food security efforts, provide access to health care, promote diversity, and protect the environment in the fall issue of The Distributor.
