EDA Releases: “Connecting Devices: A Best Practice Guide for Standardized Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Connections” Electricity Distributors Association

EDA Releases: “Connecting Devices: A Best Practice Guide for Standardized Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Connections”

  • 19 November 2019
  • Author: Sari Maritzer
  • Number of views: 1620

The Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) release our latest policy paper, “Connecting Devices: A Best Practice Guide for Standardized Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Connections”. This guide is an example of member driven policy development and is intended to continue the leadership path we have taken in support for our vision on the LDC of the future.

LDCs have been relying on individualized processes or the process established in the Distribution System Code that was developed to support connecting Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) and microFIT generators. As a result, customers have experienced inconsistent approaches and levels of customer care.

This paper, and the adoption of its best practices, are designed to set the record straight – that when it comes to DERs, utilities are enablers, integrators, and orchestrators of the true potential of these assets.

The guide proposes that LDCs holistically modernize their connection processes. It proposes that Connection Streams be developed and that each be tailored for whether the device is:

  • synchronous or inverter based,
  • directly connected to the LDC’s distribution system or connected behind the customer’s meter,
  • if connected behind the meter: for whether the device will export or not.

“Connecting Devices” is marked as Version 1 and designed to begin a conversation between utilities and customers as the industry continues to realize the potential of DERs now and going forward. The guide will be a “living and breathing” document as technologies evolve and as we gain further insights on the application of these best practices.

The EDA will continue to engage the government, the regulator, and proponents to brief them on the paper’s potential as well as continue to facilitate LDC sector leadership in the DER space.

For more information, please contact the EDA’s Ted Wigdor, Vice President, Policy, Government and Corporate Affairs at (905) 265-5362.

Documents to download
